#!/bin/bash set -xeuo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' DIR="$(realpath ${0%/*})" RUNTIME_IS_PODMAN="false" if [[ -x "$(which podman)" ]]; then CONTAINER_RUNTIME="$(which podman 2> /dev/null)" RUNTIME_IS_PODMAN="true" elif [[ -x "$(which docker)" ]]; then CONTAINER_RUNTIME="$(which docker 2> /dev/null)" else echo "Container runtime (docker/podman) not found!" exit 1 fi # replace containers if $CONTAINER_RUNTIME inspect --type container synapse 1> /dev/null; then $CONTAINER_RUNTIME rm -f synapse sleep 0.5 fi if $CONTAINER_RUNTIME inspect --type container elementweb 1> /dev/null; then $CONTAINER_RUNTIME rm -f elementweb sleep 0.5 fi if $CONTAINER_RUNTIME inspect --type container nextcloud 1> /dev/null; then $CONTAINER_RUNTIME rm -f nextcloud fi if [[ ! -d vendor ]]; then make composer fi $CONTAINER_RUNTIME run -d \ --name=nextcloud \ -p 8080:8080 \ -p 8081:80 \ -p 8082:8082 \ -p 8008:8008 \ -v "$DIR:/var/www/html/custom_apps/upschooling" \ --add-host "synapse:" \ docker.io/nextcloud echo -e "Nextcloud has started. \e[1;38;5;2mOK\033[0m" $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec nextcloud bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y git' $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec nextcloud chown -R 33 /var/www/html/custom_apps if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 && $RUNTIME_IS_PODMAN == "true" ]]; then $CONTAINER_RUNTIME unshare -- chown -R 33 "$DIR" $CONTAINER_RUNTIME unshare -- chgrp -R 0 "$DIR" $CONTAINER_RUNTIME unshare -- chmod -R ug+rw "$DIR" fi $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec --user 33 nextcloud bash -c 'cd /var/www/html/custom_apps/upschooling && make composer' $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec --user 33 nextcloud php occ maintenance:install --database sqlite --admin-user admin --admin-pass admin $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec --user 33 nextcloud php occ config:system:set --value=true --type=boolean debug $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec --user 33 nextcloud php occ log:manage --level=debug $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec --user 33 nextcloud php occ app:enable --force upschooling echo -e "Nextcloud and app was configured. \e[1;38;5;2mOK\033[0m" SYNAPSE_DATA_VOLUME_EXISTS="false" if [[ $RUNTIME_IS_PODMAN == "true" ]]; then if $CONTAINER_RUNTIME volume exists synapse-data; then echo "Found existing synapse-data volume (via volume exists)" SYNAPSE_DATA_VOLUME_EXISTS="true" fi else if $CONTAINER_RUNTIME volume inspect synapse-data 1> /dev/null; then echo "Found existing synapse-data volume (via volume inspect)" SYNAPSE_DATA_VOLUME_EXISTS="true" fi fi if [[ $SYNAPSE_DATA_VOLUME_EXISTS == "false" ]]; then $CONTAINER_RUNTIME run --rm \ --name=synapse \ --hostname synapse \ "--mount=type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data" \ -e SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME=synapse \ -e SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=no \ docker.io/matrixdotorg/synapse \ generate echo "Generated fresh synapse-data volume" fi LOCAL_SYNAPSE_DATA_PATH="$($CONTAINER_RUNTIME volume inspect --format "{{.Mountpoint}}" synapse-data)" SED_ARGS=(-i 's|registration_shared_secret: .*|registration_shared_secret: "oyYh_iEJ7Aim.iB+ye.Xk;Gl3iHFab5*8K,zv~IulT85P=c-38"|' "$LOCAL_SYNAPSE_DATA_PATH/homeserver.yaml") if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 || $RUNTIME_IS_PODMAN != "true" ]]; then sed ${SED_ARGS[@]} else podman unshare -- sed ${SED_ARGS[@]} fi $CONTAINER_RUNTIME run -d \ --log-driver "k8s-file" \ --name=synapse \ "--mount=type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data" \ "--network=container:$($CONTAINER_RUNTIME inspect --format "{{.Id}}" nextcloud)" \ --hostname synapse \ docker.io/matrixdotorg/synapse # wait for synapse to start MAX_TRIES=15 for ((i = 0 ; i < $MAX_TRIES ; i++)); do if $CONTAINER_RUNTIME logs synapse 2>&1 | grep -q "Synapse now listening on TCP port 8008"; then echo -e "Synapse has started. \e[1;38;5;2mOK\033[0m" break fi sleep 1 done if [[ $i -ge $MAX_TRIES ]]; then echo "Synapse did not start in time! Use \`$CONTAINER_RUNTIME logs synapse\` to investigate" exit 1 fi set +e REGISTER_USER_OUTPUT="$($CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec synapse register_new_matrix_user -u upschooling -p secret -a -c /data/homeserver.yaml http://localhost:8008)" REGISTER_USER_SUCCESS=$? set -e if [[ "$REGISTER_USER_SUCCESS" != "0" ]]; then if echo $REGISTER_USER_OUTPUT | grep -q "User ID already taken."; then echo -e "User @upschooling:synapse already exists. \e[1;38;5;2mOK\033[0m" else echo "Could not create user @upschooling:synapse" echo $REGISTER_USER_OUTPUT exit 1 fi else echo -e "Matrix user @upschooling:synapse created. \e[1;38;5;2mOK\033[0m" fi $CONTAINER_RUNTIME run -d \ --log-driver "k8s-file" \ --name=elementweb \ "--network=container:$($CONTAINER_RUNTIME inspect --format "{{.Id}}" nextcloud)" \ -v "$DIR/extra/element-web-nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf" \ -v "$DIR/extra/element-config.json:/app/config.json" \ --hostname elementweb \ docker.io/vectorim/element-web echo -e "Element Web has started. \e[1;38;5;2mOK\033[0m" # for nextcloud logs use $CONTAINER_RUNTIME exec --user 33 -it nextcloud ./occ log:watch # for webserver logs use $CONTAINER_RUNTIME logs -f elementweb