['Your name', '', ''], 'author_github_username' => ['Your Github username', ' in https://github.com/username', ''], 'author_email' => ['Your email address', '', ''], 'author_twitter' => ['Your twitter username', '', '@{author_github_username}'], 'author_website' => ['Your website', '', 'https://github.com/{author_github_username}'], 'package_vendor' => ['Package vendor', ' in https://github.com/vendor/package', '{author_github_username}'], 'package_name' => ['Package name', ' in https://github.com/vendor/package', ''], 'package_description' => ['Package very short description', '', ''], 'psr4_namespace' => ['PSR-4 namespace', 'usually, Vendor\\Package', '{package_vendor}\\{package_name}'], ]; $values = []; $replacements = [ ':vendor\\\\:package_name\\\\' => function () use(&$values) { return str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $values['psr4_namespace']) . '\\\\'; }, ':author_name' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['author_name']; }, ':author_username' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['author_github_username']; }, ':author_website' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['author_website'] ?: ('https://github.com/' . $values['author_github_username']); }, ':author_email' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['author_email'] ?: ($values['author_github_username'] . '@example.com'); }, ':vendor' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['package_vendor']; }, ':package_name' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['package_name']; }, ':package_description' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['package_description']; }, 'League\\Skeleton' => function () use(&$values) { return $values['psr4_namespace']; }, ]; function read_from_console ($prompt) { if ( function_exists('readline') ) { $line = trim(readline($prompt)); if (!empty($line)) { readline_add_history($line); } } else { echo $prompt; $line = trim(fgets(STDIN)); } return $line; } function interpolate ($text, $values) { if ( !preg_match_all('/\{(\w+)\}/', $text, $m) ) { return $text; } foreach ( $m[0] as $k => $str ) { $f = $m[1][$k]; $text = str_replace($str, $values[$f], $text); } return $text; } $modify = 'n'; do { if ( $modify == 'q' ) { exit; } $values = []; echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "Please, provide the following information:\n"; echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach ( $fields as $f => $field) { $default = isset($field[COL_DEFAULT]) ? interpolate($field[COL_DEFAULT], $values): ''; $prompt = sprintf('%s%s%s: ', $field[COL_DESCRIPTION], $field[COL_HELP] ? ' (' . $field[COL_HELP] . ')': '', $field[COL_DEFAULT] !== '' ? ' [' . $default . ']': ''); $values[$f] = read_from_console($prompt); if ( empty($values[$f]) ) { $values[$f] = $default; } } echo "\n"; echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "Please, check that everything is correct:\n"; echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach ( $fields as $f => $field ) { echo $field[COL_DESCRIPTION] . ": $values[$f]\n"; } echo "\n"; } while ( ($modify = strtolower(read_from_console('Modify files with these values? [y/N/q] '))) != 'y' ); echo "\n"; $files = array_merge ( glob(__DIR__ . '/*.md'), glob(__DIR__ . '/composer.json'), glob(__DIR__ . '/src/*.php') ); foreach ($files as $f) { $contents = file_get_contents($f); foreach ($replacements as $str => $func) { $contents = str_replace($str, $func(), $contents); } file_put_contents($f, $contents); } echo "Done.\n"; echo "Now you can remove the file '" . basename(__FILE__) . "'.\n";