# Raytracer for Advanced Computer Graphics Depdendencies: - Qt6 (untested with Qt5, needs CMakeLists.txt adjustments) - OBJ Loader (included, see `thirdparty` directory) - Utah Teapot (included, see `newell_teaset`, Source: https://www.cs.utah.edu/~natevm/newell_teaset/newell_teaset.zip) Features: - Material features: Phong lighting, reflections, transparency - Accelerated Raytracing on triangles using a KD-Tree structure - Raytracing with *planes*, *spheres* and *triangles* - A ton of work ## Compiling ```shell cmake -B build ``` ## Running ```shell build/RaytryCpp ``` *Note: Teapot must be provided in working directory under **newell_teaset/teapot.obj**.*