
195 lines
6.9 KiB

package network.rs485.ben.computervision
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import org.opencv.core.Mat
class EntityScanner(private val animate: Boolean, private val scanBarSpacing: Int, private val foregroundThreshold: Float) {
private fun Mat.isValid(row: Int, column: Int): Boolean =
(this[row, column]?.getOrNull(0) ?: 255.0) < foregroundThreshold
private fun Mat.isValid(point: Pixel): Boolean =
(this[point]?.getOrNull(0) ?: 255.0) < foregroundThreshold
suspend fun scanImage(image: Mat, displayImage: Mat, windowMgr: IWindowManager) = coroutineScope {
val entities = mutableListOf<Entity>()
val mergeMutex = Mutex()
lineScan(image, displayImage, windowMgr)
.map { line ->
lineGrowToEntityDown(line, image, displayImage, windowMgr).also { entity ->
// add missing upper parts of all entities
lineGrowToEntityUp(line, image, displayImage, windowMgr, entity)
.collect {
mergeMutex.withLock {
entities.removeIf { it.lines.size < 6 }
if (animate) {
entities.colorRanged(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_RED, displayImage, windowMgr)
return@coroutineScope entities
private suspend fun lineScan(
image: Mat,
displayImage: Mat,
windowMgr: IWindowManager,
) = channelFlow {
coroutineScope {
for (i in 0 until image.height().div(scanBarSpacing)) {
launch {
val lineNumber = i * scanBarSpacing
var start = Pixel(0, lineNumber)
var end = Pixel(image.width() - 1, lineNumber)
if (animate) {
displayImage.drawLine(Line(start, end), COLOR_RED)
launch {
var onEntity = false
for (x in 0 until image.width()) {
val color = if (image.isValid(lineNumber, x)) {
if (!onEntity) {
onEntity = true
start = Pixel(x, start.y)
} else {
if (onEntity) {
onEntity = false
send(start to Pixel(x, start.y))
end = Pixel(x, end.y)
if (animate) {
// color the current dot on the line
displayImage.put(lineNumber, x, *color.asArray(3))
launch {
if (onEntity) {
send(start to Pixel(image.width() - 1, start.y))
private suspend fun lineGrowToEntityDown(
line: Line,
image: Mat,
displayImage: Mat,
windowMgr: IWindowManager,
entity: Entity = Entity(),
) = lineGrowToEntity(
line = line,
image = image,
displayImage = displayImage,
windowMgr = windowMgr,
entity = entity,
last = (line.first.y + scanBarSpacing - 1).coerceIn(0, image.height() - 1),
step = 1,
private suspend fun lineGrowToEntityUp(
line: Line,
image: Mat,
displayImage: Mat,
windowMgr: IWindowManager,
entity: Entity = Entity(),
) = lineGrowToEntity(
line = line,
image = image,
displayImage = displayImage,
windowMgr = windowMgr,
entity = entity,
last = (line.first.y - scanBarSpacing + 1).coerceIn(0, image.height() - 1),
step = -1,
private suspend fun lineGrowToEntity(
line: Line,
image: Mat,
displayImage: Mat,
windowMgr: IWindowManager,
entity: Entity,
last: Int,
step: Int,
): Entity = coroutineScope {
assert(step != 0)
suspend fun lineFound(foundLine: Line) {
assert(foundLine.first.x >= 0)
assert(foundLine.first.y >= 0)
assert(foundLine.first.x <= foundLine.second.x)
assert(foundLine.first.y == foundLine.second.y)
if (animate) {
displayImage.drawLine(foundLine, COLOR_YELLOW)
launch {
suspend fun lineGrowRecursion(foundLine: Line) {
if (step > 0 && foundLine.first.y <= last || step < 0 && foundLine.first.y >= last) {
line = foundLine,
image = image,
displayImage = displayImage,
windowMgr = windowMgr,
entity = entity,
last = last,
step = step,
var start = Pixel(line.first.x, line.first.y + step)
if (start.y < 0 || start.y >= image.height()) return@coroutineScope entity
val row = start.y
fun IntProgression.lastValid() = takeWhile { image.isValid(row, it) }.last()
var end = start
if (image.isValid(start)) {
start = Pixel(line.first.x.downTo(0).lastValid(), start.y)
end = Pixel(line.first.x.until(image.width()).lastValid(), end.y)
lineGrowRecursion(start to end)
var next = end.x + 2
while (next <= line.second.x) {
if (image.isValid(row, next)) {
start = Pixel(end.x + 2, start.y)
end = Pixel(next.until(image.width()).lastValid(), start.y)
lineGrowRecursion(start to end)
next = end.x + 2
} else {
return@coroutineScope entity