import json
import re
import sys
import traceback
import typing
from datetime import datetime
import yaml
from flask import Flask, request, abort
from matrix_client.client import MatrixClient
from matrix_client.errors import MatrixRequestError
application = Flask(__name__)
# Not going to care for specifics like the underscore.
# Generally match room alias or id [!#] with unicode support.
room_pattern = re.compile(r'^[!#]\w+:[\w\-.]+$')
config.yml Example:
secret: "..."
username: ...
password: "..."
with open("config.yml", 'r') as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile)
def check_token(header_field: str):
token = request.headers.get(header_field)
if token != cfg['secret']:
def get_a_room():
if 'channel' not in request.args:
room = request.args.get('channel')
# sanitize input
if room_pattern.fullmatch(room) is None:
return room
def get_msg_type():
if 'msgtype' not in request.args:
return "m.notice"
msgtype = request.args.get('msgtype')
if msgtype in ["m.text", "m.notice"]:
return msgtype
def iter_first_line(string: str):
return iter(map(str.rstrip, string.lstrip().splitlines(keepends=False)))
def shorten(string: str, max_len: int = 80, appendix: str = "..."):
if len(string) > max_len:
return string[:max_len - len(appendix)] + appendix
return string
def matrix_error(error: MatrixRequestError):
# see Flask.make_response, this will be interpreted as (body, status)
return f"Error from Matrix: {error.content}", error.code
def process_gitlab_request():
msgtype = get_msg_type()
room = get_a_room()
gitlab_event = request.headers.get("X-Gitlab-Event")
if gitlab_event == "Push Hook":
if request.json["total_commits_count"] < 1:
return "", 204
client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"])
client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"])
room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room)
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
def sort_commits_by_time(commits):
return sorted(commits, key=lambda commit: commit["timestamp"])
def extract_commit_info(commit):
msg = shorten(next(iter_first_line(commit["message"]), "$EMPTY_COMMIT_MESSAGE - impossibruh"))
url = commit["url"]
return msg, url
username = request.json["user_name"]
project_name = request.json["project"]["name"]
if request.json["ref"].startswith("refs/heads/"):
to_str = f" to branch {request.json['ref'][len('refs/heads/'):]} on project {project_name}"
to_str = f" to {project_name}"
commit_messages = list(map(extract_commit_info, sort_commits_by_time(request.json["commits"])))
html_commits = "\n".join((f'
{msg}' for (msg, url) in commit_messages))
text_commits = "\n".join((f"- [{msg}]({url})" for (msg, url) in commit_messages))
room.send_html(f"{username} pushed {len(commit_messages)} commits{to_str}
body=f"{username} pushed {len(commit_messages)} commits{to_str}\n{text_commits}\n",
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
# see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status)
return "", 204
def process_jenkins_request():
msgtype = get_msg_type()
room = get_a_room()
jenkins_event = request.headers.get("X-Jenkins-Event")
if jenkins_event == "Post Build Hook":
client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"])
client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"])
room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room)
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
project_url = request.json["githubProjectUrl"]
def extract_change_message(change):
change_message = next(iter_first_line(change["message"]), "")
if len(change_message) > 0:
htimestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(change['timestamp'] / 1000).strftime("%d. %b %y %H:%M")
bare_commit_link = f"({shorten(change['commitId'], 7, appendix='')})"
if project_url is not None and project_url:
commit_link = f"{bare_commit_link}"
commit_link = bare_commit_link
return (f" {shorten(change_message)} {commit_link} by {change['author']} at {htimestamp}",
f"- {shorten(change_message)} {bare_commit_link} by {change['author']} at {htimestamp}")
return shorten(json.dumps(change).replace("<", "&"), appendix="...}")
build_name = request.json["displayName"]
project_name = request.json["project"]["fullDisplayName"]
result_type = request.json["result"]["type"]
result_color = request.json["result"]["color"]
html_change_messages, text_change_messages = map(extract_change_message, request.json['changes'])
newline = '\n'
room.send_html(f"Build {build_name} on project {project_name} complete: "
f"{result_type}, "
f"{len(request.json['changes'])} commits
"" + (f"\n{newline.join(html_change_messages)}\n
\n" if len(request.json['changes']) > 0 else ""),
body=f"**Build {build_name} on project {project_name} complete: {result_type}**, "
f"{len(request.json['changes'])} commits\n"
"" + (f"{newline.join(text_change_messages)}\n" if len(request.json['changes']) > 0 else ""),
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
# see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status)
return "", 204
def process_prometheus_request():
secret = request.args.get('secret')
if secret != cfg['secret']:
msgtype = get_msg_type()
room = get_a_room()
# written for version 4 of the alertmanager webhook JSON
def color_status_html(status: str, text: typing.Optional[str] = None):
_status_colors = {"resolved": "34A91D", "firing": "EF2929"}
if text is None:
text = status
if status in _status_colors:
return f'{text}'
return text
def extract_alert_message(alert: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
"""Takes the alert object and returns (text, html) as a string tuple."""
alert_status = alert.get("status", "None")
alert_labels = str(alert.get("labels", None))
alert_annotations = str(alert.get("annotations", None))
alert_start = alert.get("startsAt", None)
alert_end = alert.get("endsAt", None)
alert_daterange = []
if alert_start is not None:
alert_start = datetime.fromisoformat(alert_start).strftime("%d. %b %y %H:%M %Z").rstrip()
alert_daterange.append(f'Started at {alert_start}')
if alert_end is not None:
alert_end = datetime.fromisoformat(alert_end).strftime("%d. %b %y %H:%M %Z").rstrip()
alert_daterange.append(f'Ended at {alert_end}')
alert_daterange = "" if len(alert_daterange) == 0 else f'({", ".join(alert_daterange)})'
alert_generator_url = alert.get("generatorURL", "None")
return (
f'[{alert_status}] Labels: {alert_labels}, Annotations: {alert_annotations} - {alert_daterange} | Generator: {alert_generator_url}',
f'{color_status_html(alert_status)} Labels: {alert_labels}, Annotations: {alert_annotations} - {alert_daterange} | Generator: {alert_generator_url}',
def extract_prometheus_message() -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
"""Dissects the request's JSON and returns (text, html) as a string tuple."""
group_key = request.json.get("groupKey", "None")
status = request.json.get("status", "None")
receiver = request.json.get("receiver", "None")
group_labels = str(request.json.get("groupLabels", None))
common_labels = str(request.json.get("commonLabels", None))
common_annotations = str(request.json.get("commonAnnotations", None))
ext_url = request.json.get("externalURL", "None")
alerts = request.json.get("alerts", []) # type: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]
text_alerts, html_alerts = zip(*map(extract_alert_message, alerts))
text_alerts = "\n" + "\n".join((f"- {msg}" for msg in text_alerts))
html_alerts = "
\n\n" + "\n".join((f" - {msg}
" for msg in html_alerts)) + "\n
return (
f'*{status.title()} alert for group {group_key}*\n Receiver: {receiver}\n Labels: {group_labels} | {common_labels}\n Annotations: {common_annotations}\n External URL: {ext_url}\nAlerts:{text_alerts}',
f'{color_status_html(status, f"{status.title()} alert for group {group_key}")}
\n Receiver: {receiver}
\n Labels: {group_labels} | {common_labels}
\n Annotations: {common_annotations}
\n External URL: {ext_url}
html, body = extract_prometheus_message()
except (LookupError, ValueError, TypeError):
print("Error parsing JSON and forming message:", file=sys.stderr)
return "Error parsing JSON and forming message", 500
client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"])
client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"])
room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room)
room.send_html(html=html, body=body, msgtype=msgtype)
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
# see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status)
return "", 204
@application.route('/matrix', methods=("POST",))
def notify():
if 'X-Gitlab-Token' in request.headers:
return process_gitlab_request()
elif 'X-Jenkins-Token' in request.headers:
return process_jenkins_request()
elif 'type' in request.args and request.args.get('type') == "prometheus":
return process_prometheus_request()
return "Cannot determine the request's webhook cause", 400