FROM alpine RUN apk add --no-cache uwsgi-python3 python3 py3-yaml py3-flask py3-matrix-nio # partly from WORKDIR /usr/src/wmn COPY requirements.txt ./ RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # copy required source files COPY ./ WORKDIR /run/wmn # requires config.yml to be present at build COPY config.yml ./ RUN chown -R 999 /run/wmn && chmod 0600 /run/wmn/config.yml USER 999 # opens a uwsgi socket at port 3031, which is to be used by a reverse proxy CMD [ "uwsgi", "--die-on-term", \ "--need-plugin", "python3", \ "--socket", "", \ "--wsgi-file", "/usr/src/wmn/", \ "--master", \ "--processes", "1", \ "--threads", "2" ]