import re import yaml from flask import Flask, request, abort from matrix_client.client import MatrixClient from matrix_client.errors import MatrixRequestError application = Flask(__name__) # Not going to care for specifics like the underscore. # Generally match ! with unicode support. room_pattern = re.compile(r'^!\w+:[\w\-.]+$') """ config.yml Example: secret: "..." matrix: server: username: ... password: "..." """ with open("config.yml", 'r') as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile) def check_token(header_field: str): token = request.headers.get(header_field) if token != cfg['secret']: abort(401) def get_a_room(): if 'channel' not in request.args: abort(400) room = request.args.get('channel') # sanitize input if room_pattern.fullmatch(room) is None: abort(400) return room def process_gitlab_request(): check_token('X-Gitlab-Token') room = get_a_room() gitlab_event = request.headers.get("X-Gitlab-Event") if gitlab_event == "Push Hook": try: client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"]) client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"]) room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room) except MatrixRequestError as e: # see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status) return f"Error from Matrix: {e.content}", e.code def sort_commits_by_time(commits): return sorted(commits, key=lambda commit: commit["timestamp"]) def extract_commit_message(commit): return next(iter(commit["message"].lstrip().splitlines(keepends=False)), "$EMPTY_COMMIT_MESSAGE - impossibruh").rstrip() username = request.json["user_name"] commit_messages = list(map(extract_commit_message, sort_commits_by_time(request.json["commits"]))) project_name = request.json["project"]["name"] html_commits = "\n".join((f"
  • {msg}
  • " for msg in commit_messages)) text_commits = "\n".join((f"- {msg}" for msg in commit_messages)) room.send_html(f"{username} pushed {len(commit_messages)} commits to {project_name}
    \n" f"\n", body=f"{username} pushed {len(commit_messages)} commits to {project_name}\n{text_commits}\n", msgtype="m.notice") # see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status) return "", 204 def process_jenkins_request(): check_token('X-Jenkins-Token') # room = get_a_room() from pprint import pprint pprint(request.json) # see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status) return "", 204 @application.route('/matrix', methods=("POST",)) def notify(): if 'X-Gitlab-Token' in request.headers: return process_gitlab_request() elif 'X-Jenkins-Token' in request.headers: return process_jenkins_request() else: return "Cannot determine the request's webhook cause", 400