302 lines
13 KiB
302 lines
13 KiB
import json
import re
import sys
import traceback
import typing
from datetime import datetime
import yaml
from flask import Flask, request, abort
from matrix_client.client import MatrixClient
from matrix_client.errors import MatrixRequestError
application = Flask(__name__)
# Not going to care for specifics like the underscore.
# Generally match room alias or id [!#]anything:example.com with unicode support.
room_pattern = re.compile(r'^[!#]\w+:[\w\-.]+$')
# prometheus has to many sub-second digits in their timestamp,
# so we get rid of nanoseconds here
promtime_to_isotime_pattern = re.compile(r'([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(\.[0-9]{6})?)(?:[0-9]{3})?(Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})')
config.yml Example:
secret: "..."
server: https://matrix.org
username: ...
password: "..."
with open("config.yml", 'r') as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile)
def check_token(header_field: str):
token = request.headers.get(header_field)
if token != cfg['secret']:
print('check_token failed, because token did not match', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def get_a_room():
if 'channel' not in request.args:
print('get_a_room failed, because channel was not in request args', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
room = request.args.get('channel')
# sanitize input
if room_pattern.fullmatch(room) is None:
print('get_a_room failed, because channel', room, 'did not match room pattern', room_pattern, file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
return room
def get_msg_type():
if 'msgtype' not in request.args:
return "m.notice"
msgtype = request.args.get('msgtype')
if msgtype in ["m.text", "m.notice"]:
return msgtype
print('get_msg_type failed, because msgtype', msgtype, 'is not known', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def iter_first_line(string: str):
return iter(map(str.rstrip, string.lstrip().splitlines(keepends=False)))
def shorten(string: str, max_len: int = 80, appendix: str = "..."):
if len(string) > max_len:
return string[:max_len - len(appendix)] + appendix
return string
def matrix_error(error: MatrixRequestError):
print('matrix_error was called with', error, file=sys.stderr)
traceback.print_exception(MatrixRequestError, error, error.__traceback__)
print(file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
# see Flask.make_response, this will be interpreted as (body, status)
return f"Error from Matrix: {error.content}", error.code
def process_gitlab_request():
msgtype = get_msg_type()
room = get_a_room()
gitlab_event = request.headers.get("X-Gitlab-Event")
if gitlab_event == "Push Hook":
if request.json["total_commits_count"] < 1:
return "", 204
client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"])
client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"])
room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room)
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
def sort_commits_by_time(commits):
return sorted(commits, key=lambda commit: commit["timestamp"])
def extract_commit_info(commit):
msg = shorten(next(iter_first_line(commit["message"]), "$EMPTY_COMMIT_MESSAGE - impossibruh"))
url = commit["url"]
return msg, url
username = request.json["user_name"]
project_name = request.json["project"]["name"]
if request.json["ref"].startswith("refs/heads/"):
to_str = f" to branch {request.json['ref'][len('refs/heads/'):]} on project {project_name}"
to_str = f" to {project_name}"
commit_messages = list(map(extract_commit_info, sort_commits_by_time(request.json["commits"])))
html_commits = "\n".join((f' <li><a href="{url}">{msg}</a></li>' for (msg, url) in commit_messages))
text_commits = "\n".join((f"- [{msg}]({url})" for (msg, url) in commit_messages))
room.send_html(f"<strong>{username} pushed {len(commit_messages)} commits{to_str}</strong><br>\n"
body=f"{username} pushed {len(commit_messages)} commits{to_str}\n{text_commits}\n",
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
# see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status)
return "", 204
def process_jenkins_request():
msgtype = get_msg_type()
room = get_a_room()
jenkins_event = request.headers.get("X-Jenkins-Event")
if jenkins_event == "Post Build Hook":
client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"])
client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"])
room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room)
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
project_url = request.json["githubProjectUrl"]
def extract_change_message(change):
change_message = next(iter_first_line(change["message"]), "")
if len(change_message) > 0:
htimestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(change['timestamp'] / 1000).strftime("%d. %b %y %H:%M")
bare_commit_link = f"({shorten(change['commitId'], 7, appendix='')})"
if project_url is not None and project_url:
commit_link = f"<a href=\"{project_url}commit/{change['commitId']}\">{bare_commit_link}</a>"
commit_link = bare_commit_link
return (
f"- {shorten(change_message)} {bare_commit_link} by {change['author']} at {htimestamp}",
f" <li>{shorten(change_message)} {commit_link} by {change['author']} at {htimestamp}</li>",
dump = shorten(json.dumps(change), appendix="...}")
return (
dump.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">")
build_name = request.json["displayName"]
project_name = request.json["project"]["fullDisplayName"]
result_type = request.json["result"]["type"]
result_color = request.json["result"]["color"]
changes = request.json['changes']
if len(changes) > 0:
text_change_messages, html_change_messages = zip(*map(extract_change_message, changes))
text_change_messages, html_change_messages = (), () # it's an owl!
newline = '\n'
room.send_html(f"<p><strong>Build {build_name} on project {project_name} complete: "
f"<font color=\"{result_color}\">{result_type}</font></strong>, "
f"{len(changes)} commits</p>\n"
"" + (f"<ul>\n{newline.join(html_change_messages)}\n</ul>\n" if len(html_change_messages) > 0 else ""),
body=f"**Build {build_name} on project {project_name} complete: {result_type}**, "
f"{len(changes)} commits\n"
"" + (f"{newline.join(text_change_messages)}\n" if len(text_change_messages) > 0 else ""),
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
# see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status)
return "", 204
def process_prometheus_request():
secret = request.args.get('secret')
if secret != cfg['secret']:
print('check_token failed, because token did not match', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
msgtype = get_msg_type()
room = get_a_room()
# written for version 4 of the alertmanager webhook JSON
# https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/configuration/#webhook_config
def color_status_html(status: str, text: typing.Optional[str] = None):
_status_colors = {"resolved": "34A91D", "firing": "EF2929"}
if text is None:
text = status
if status in _status_colors:
return f'<font color="#{_status_colors[status]}">{text}</font>'
return text
def parse_promtime(date_string):
match = promtime_to_isotime_pattern.match(date_string)
if match is None:
print('parse_promtime failed, because promtime', date_string, 'could not be parsed with pattern', promtime_to_isotime_pattern, file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
grps = list(map(lambda x: x is not None, match.groups()))
if grps[-1] == 'Z':
grps[-1] = '+00:00'
return datetime.fromisoformat(''.join(grps))
def extract_alert_message(alert: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
"""Takes the alert object and returns (text, html) as a string tuple."""
alert_status = alert.get("status", "None")
alert_labels = str(alert.get("labels", None))
alert_annotations = str(alert.get("annotations", None))
alert_start = alert.get("startsAt", None)
alert_end = alert.get("endsAt", None)
alert_daterange = []
if alert_start is not None and alert_end != '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z':
alert_start = parse_promtime(alert_start).strftime("%d. %b %y %H:%M %Z").rstrip()
alert_daterange.append(f'Started at {alert_start}')
if alert_end is not None and alert_end != '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z':
alert_end = parse_promtime(alert_end).strftime("%d. %b %y %H:%M %Z").rstrip()
alert_daterange.append(f'Ended at {alert_end}')
alert_daterange = "" if len(alert_daterange) == 0 else f'({", ".join(alert_daterange)})'
alert_generator_url = alert.get("generatorURL", "None")
return (
f'[{alert_status}] Labels: {alert_labels}, Annotations: {alert_annotations} - {alert_daterange} | Generator: {alert_generator_url}',
f'<strong>{color_status_html(alert_status)}</strong> Labels: {alert_labels}, Annotations: {alert_annotations} - {alert_daterange} | Generator: {alert_generator_url}',
def extract_prometheus_message() -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
"""Dissects the request's JSON and returns (text, html) as a string tuple."""
group_key = request.json.get("groupKey", "None")
status = request.json.get("status", "None")
receiver = request.json.get("receiver", "None")
group_labels = str(request.json.get("groupLabels", None))
common_labels = str(request.json.get("commonLabels", None))
common_annotations = str(request.json.get("commonAnnotations", None))
ext_url = request.json.get("externalURL", "None")
alerts = request.json.get("alerts", []) # type: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]
text_alerts, html_alerts = zip(*map(extract_alert_message, alerts))
text_alerts = "\n" + "\n".join((f"- {msg}" for msg in text_alerts))
html_alerts = "<br>\n<ul>\n" + "\n".join((f" <li>{msg}</li>" for msg in html_alerts)) + "\n</ul>"
return (
f'*{status.title()} alert for group {group_key}*\n Receiver: {receiver}\n Labels: {group_labels} | {common_labels}\n Annotations: {common_annotations}\n External URL: {ext_url}\nAlerts:{text_alerts}',
f'<strong>{color_status_html(status, f"{status.title()} alert for group {group_key}")}</strong><br>\n <em>Receiver:</em> {receiver}<br>\n <em>Labels:</em> {group_labels} | {common_labels}<br>\n <em>Annotations:</em> {common_annotations}<br>\n <em>External URL:</em> {ext_url}<br>\n<em>Alerts:</em>{html_alerts}',
html, body = extract_prometheus_message()
except (LookupError, ValueError, TypeError):
print("Error parsing JSON and forming message:", file=sys.stderr)
print(file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
return "Error parsing JSON and forming message", 500
client = MatrixClient(cfg["matrix"]["server"])
client.login(username=cfg["matrix"]["username"], password=cfg["matrix"]["password"])
room = client.join_room(room_id_or_alias=room)
room.send_html(html=html, body=body, msgtype=msgtype)
except MatrixRequestError as e:
return matrix_error(e)
# see Flask.make_response, this is interpreted as (body, status)
return "", 204
@application.route('/matrix', methods=("POST",))
def notify():
if 'X-Gitlab-Token' in request.headers:
return process_gitlab_request()
elif 'X-Jenkins-Token' in request.headers:
return process_jenkins_request()
elif 'type' in request.args and request.args.get('type') == "prometheus":
return process_prometheus_request()
return "Cannot determine the request's webhook cause", 400